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The effect of Research and Development (R&D) tax relief and incentives on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs)’ Innovation in European Countries.  

Participant Information Sheet 

You are being invited to take part in our research study examining the effect of Research and Development (R&D) Tax Relief, on Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs)’ Innovation in European countries. Before deciding to participate, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information. Should you have any questions after reading this information, please do contact us on the details given at the end of this Information Sheet.
Purpose of the Research
The general objective of the WATSON project is to develop and demonstrate a framework methodology for studying the impact of R&D tax relief and incentives on SME-led innovation in Europe. The framework and the results of this project will be integrated into an ICT platform to perform data analytics on innovation funding, identifying funding gaps and allowing the consortium partners to advise stakeholders (public governing bodies, SMEs, private investors) on the management of innovation and funding schemes. This stage of research aims to gather quantitative data through an online survey. Participants will be from SMEs across European states who have or have not received R&D tax relief.
Participant Selection
You are being invited to take part in this research as we believe you are an innovative SME who can further our understanding of the impact of R&D tax relief incentives on innovation in your country.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form. After signing the consent form, you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. Withdrawing from this study will not affect the relationship you have, if any, with the researcher. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be returned to you or destroyed. Participants willing to take part in the research will be asked to commit: (1) to fill an online questionnaire and (2) share it with other similar organisations, if they wish. The online survey will ask questions relating to current practises and barriers in harnessing R&D tax incentives and other financial incentives. There are no other commitments or lifestyle restrictions associated with participating.

Participants will be asked to complete this web-based questionnaire which we estimate will take about 20 minutes.
Potential Risks to Research Participants
Participating in the research is not anticipated to cause any economic disadvantages or discomfort.
Potential Benefits to Research Participants
Participants will be included in a mailing list, if they wish, which will keep them updated on the progress and results of the project, whilst also being able to have some access to the results of their data. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win one of two Amazon Echo Spots, worth over €100. If you wish, you can have your organisation mentioned on our acknowledgment page in our final report. Overall, this work will have a beneficial impact on R&D tax relief and incentives in contributing to the funding of SME activities.
Confidentiality and Storage of Data
The data collected is confidential and will be used for analytical and statistical purposes only by the WATSON research team. Research will adhere to the “Data Protection Act 1998” and the Data Protection Directive (EC 95/46) and 2018’s GDPR. The information that is collected from this research project will be anonymised and treated with the utmost confidentiality. These anonymised datasets will not allow any individual or their institution to be identified or identifiable. All data stored and managed on computers will be password protected. We will use appropriate procedures and security features to process and protect your data.
Results of the Research
Results of this research will be published. Participants will not be identified in any report nor publication without prior consent. Anonymised data will be stored and archived and may be used for secondary analysis in the future.
Funding and Organization of Research
The project is in partnership with the following organisations: Kapitalise Ltd, Exodus Anonymos Etairei Pliroforikis, Imperial College of Sciences and Technology and Medicine, Inventya Ventures (EU) Limited, Universiteit Maastricht and London School of Economics.
The project is financed through the European Commission’s, Horizon 2020 initiative.
Contact Details
If you would like further information or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Paola De Pascali:                    Marty Kiskis: 

Zahra Shah:

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